

Welcome to my online portfolio, a work in progress. I'll be sharing some of my writing about cycling, running, pop culture, queer parenthood, and the outdoors. I'd love to connect with you on social media at the links below.

"Tested: Timbuk2 Muttmover" — Bicycling October 2015

"Tested: Timbuk2 Muttmover" — Bicycling October 2015

Huey is my wife's half-Maltese terrier, and until recently, he lived to give bike riders hell. Not a walk went by when Huey didn't zero in on a passing cyclist and launch into a yapping, snarling rage. I was not only embarrassed by this berserk behavior, but I felt slighted by proxy, too. It was driving a wedge into our fragile stepdog/parent relationship. Then the Timbuk2 Muttmover arrived. 

"The Raddest Dogs in Cycling" —Bicycling Cover Feature March 2016

"The Raddest Dogs in Cycling" —Bicycling Cover Feature March 2016

"Kombucha, Baby!" — Bicycling June 2017

"Kombucha, Baby!" — Bicycling June 2017