

Welcome to my online portfolio, a work in progress. I'll be sharing some of my writing about cycling, running, pop culture, queer parenthood, and the outdoors. I'd love to connect with you on social media at the links below.

"Enough" — Bicycling June 2017

"Enough" — Bicycling June 2017

Two cyclists are killed each day in the United States at the hands of drivers. From road design to the way crashes are investigated and reported, our transportation and legal systems all too often fail people on bikes. Here are six profiles of cyclists failed by the justice system.

"To the Stars" personal essay — Bicycling Nov/Dec 2017

"To the Stars" personal essay — Bicycling Nov/Dec 2017

"Earning Their Pedals" — Bicycling September 2016

"Earning Their Pedals" — Bicycling September 2016